True North IMH offers the most advanced breakthrough in psychiatric medicine - transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression.


TMS Therapy Treatment For Depression in Greenville NC

Depression is a mental health condition that affects millions of people in the United States.

While traditional treatment methods such as therapy and medication can be effective for many individuals, some people may not respond to these conventional methods.

For those who have not found relief with traditional treatment, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has emerged as a promising alternative therapy for depression.


What is Depression?

Depression is a common and serious mental health that affects how one feels, thinks, and acts in a negative manner. It affects approximately one in 15 adults–about 6.7% in any year.

Additionally, one in six people (16.6%) can go through depression at any point in their life. This mental health condition can happen anytime, however, it initially appears during the late teens to mid-20s, on average.

Signs & Symptoms of Depression

Depression is a mental health condition that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It affects how one feels, thinks, and behaves, which can lead to various emotional and physical problems.

Identifying the signs and symptoms of depression is crucial for seeking appropriate treatment and support. 

The most common symptoms of depression are:

Sleep Disturbances

People with depression can experience sleep disturbances such as insomnia or sleeping too much.

Changes in Appetite

Individuals with depression may avoid certain activities, places, or people that remind them of the traumatic experience.


Depression and anxiety can coexist and influence each other. When an individual experiences depression, it can manifest in many ways such as heightened levels of worry and fear, or anxiety.

Negative Mood and Thoughts

People with depression may experience negative changes in their mood or thoughts, such as feeling guilty, ashamed, or hopeless. They may also have difficulty concentrating or experiencing feelings of detachment from loved ones or their surroundings.

Thoughts about Death or Suicide

Copy: Depression can manifest suicidal thoughts, or thoughts about death to the individual.

It's essential to seek professional help and support if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of depression. Effective treatments such as therapy, medication, and support groups can help individuals with depression manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

How Does TMS Help Depression?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that has shown promise in treating depression. TMS therapy involves the use of a magnetic field to stimulate specific areas of the brain, which can improve the symptoms of depression by altering the neural circuits involved in the disorder. In particular, TMS therapy can target the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in emotional regulation and has been shown to be under-active in individuals with depression.

By stimulating this area of the brain, TMS therapy can improve emotional regulation and decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression associated with depression. TMS therapy is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, making it a promising treatment option for individuals with depression who have not responded to other treatments.

How Does Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Depression Work?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that has shown promise in treating depression. TMS therapy involves the use of a magnetic field to stimulate specific areas of the brain, which can improve the symptoms of depression by altering the neural circuits involved in the disorder. In particular, TMS therapy can target the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in emotional regulation and has been shown to be underactive in individuals with depression.

By stimulating this area of the brain, TMS therapy can improve emotional regulation and decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression associated with depression. TMS therapy is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, making it a promising treatment option for individuals with depression who have not responded to other treatments.


Why Choose True North IMH for TMS Depression Treatment?

True North Integrative Mental Health specializes in the most advanced treatment for depression in Greenville, NC, transcranial magnetic stimulation.

TMS for depression offers the best chance of long-term relief and remission of life-robbing symptoms.

Patient-Centered Care

Innovative Technology

Functional Approach

What to Expect:

TMS Depression Treatment

During TMS depression treatment, patients can expect to undergo a brief assessment to determine if TMS is an appropriate treatment option for them.

If TMS is deemed appropriate, the patient will be seated in a comfortable chair and a magnetic coil will be placed on their scalp. The coil delivers magnetic pulses to specific areas of the brain that are involved in regulating mood and emotion.

During the treatment, patients may hear a clicking sound and feel a tapping sensation on their scalp. The treatment typically lasts 20-30 minutes, and patients can return to their daily activities immediately after the session.

Some patients may experience mild side effects, such as scalp discomfort or headache, but these side effects are usually temporary and resolve shortly after the treatment.

Benefits of TMS for Depression

TMS therapy offers a wealth of benefits over other treatment modalities. 


TMS Therapy Involves No Systemic Side Effects

Unlike medications, TMS treatment for depression does not cause any undesired systemic side effects.


No Sedation or Shock Delivered via TMS

Unlike ECT, TMS depression treatment does not require anesthesia or sedation and does not induce a seizure.


TMS Therapy is Often Covered by Insurance

In general, TMS is covered by insurance for adults still suffering from depression after trying antidepressant medications and therapy.


An Outpatient Treatment Requiring No Downtime

Transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression is an outpatient treatment done in the physician's office. Patients remain awake during the 19-minute treatment, and there is no downtime following treatment.

How to Prepare for TMS Therapy

To prepare for a TMS appointment for depression treatment, patients should avoid alcohol and drugs that can affect the brain's response to magnetic stimulation. They should also inform their healthcare provider of any medications they are currently taking, as some medications may interfere with TMS treatment.

Patients should wear comfortable clothing and avoid wearing jewelry or other metal objects, as these can interfere with the magnetic field. It is also important to arrive at the appointment well-rested and hydrated, as this can improve the efficacy of the treatment. Patients should discuss any questions or concerns they have with their healthcare provider prior to the appointment to ensure they are fully informed and comfortable with the treatment.

  • Is TMS therapy safe for depression treatment?

    Yes, TMS therapy is generally considered to be safe for depression treatment. It is a non-invasive procedure that does not require sedation or anesthesia, and there are usually no significant side effects.

  • How long does TMS depression treatment take?

    TMS therapy for depression typically involves a series of sessions, usually administered daily over the course of several weeks. Each session typically lasts about 30-40 minutes.

  • Does Insurance Cover TMS for depression?

    TMS therapy for depression is becoming increasingly covered by insurance, but coverage can vary depending on the insurance plan and the individual's specific circumstances. It is important to check with your insurance provider to determine whether TMS therapy is covered for depression treatment.

  • Are there any side effects of TMS therapy for depression?

    The most common side effects of TMS therapy for depression are mild and temporary, and may include headaches, scalp discomfort, and dizziness. These side effects usually go away shortly after the session is over.

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(252) 232-4290

TMS Therapy Patient Testimonials

TMS therapy gave hope and brought healing to Vickie and Desiree - Magstim Patients

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